Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF)

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The Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) was set up by the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government in 2018, aiming to drive technology adoption in the construction industry. The CITF, administered by the Construction Industry Council, has so far granted HK$760 million to support 950 companies and nurture 14,000 industry practitioners and tertiary students to embrace technologies and innovations of the construction industry.

An addition of HK$1.2 billion was injected into the CITF this year to accelerate the evolution into Construction 2.0. With funding support from the CITF, not only has the construction industry adopted MiC and BIM more widely, but industry practitioners have also made the best out of proven technologies including automation and robotics, AR, VR and safety-related technologies.


We have been implementing enhancements to optimise the scheme since January 2022. In addition to raising subsidy caps, funding support is extended to Multi-trade integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP). The initiative of Pioneering Applications, offering a maximum grant of HK$10 million per project, is also introduced to catalyse innovations through funding manpower, as well as related cost of technologies adaptation from outside Hong Kong or existing technologies enhancements for industry-wide benefits. We are also formulating additional measures to support wider adoption of Smart Site Safety System in private sector construction sites, of which the details will be announced by mid-2023. Interested parties may also refer to for more information.


This article is contributed by the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government.

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