Together we fight the coronavirus
For more than two years now, the coronavirus has been taking its toll around the globe. It has taken lives, slowed down economies, compelled separation, and caused tremendous hardship to many people in the world. Whilst Hong Kong is no exception, we have been doing reasonably well in coping with the pandemic until the current Omicron outbreak. At the time of writing, we have nearly 10,000 confirmed cases and reported tens of deaths daily. The severity of this wave of attack by the virus has somehow taken us by surprise. No doubt, we are having war with the Omicron variant.
As President Xi Jinping’s has clearly pointed out, we need all hands on deck to contain the outbreak. Universal testing for the community will soon commence and it is foreseeable that medical attention for those found infected will be required as a matter of urgency. The engineering sector will play its part by contributing to procuring the much-needed isolation facilities. Despite that it will prove to be some mammoth and challenging undertakings, I believe engineers will excel once again in meeting the needs of society expediently. For the Institution, we are joining hands with related sectors to form a task force to protect the safety and livelihoods of engineering personnel and offering assistance to those in need. We will spare no efforts to assist in whatever ways feasible.
With regard to the business of the Institution which operates under a club-house license, we have to comply with the tightening-up of social distancing restrictions by reducing meeting facilities capacities and arranging for the Secretariat staff to work from home without compromising our services too much. Members are encouraged to access our services remotely as far as possible. The Vaccine Pass arrangement has come into effect on 24 February 2022. Members visiting the HKIE Headquarters are now required to take body temperatures; scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app; show proof of inoculation; and wear face mask
at all times. We will make sure that the data you provide is kept in confidence for 31 days in compliance with the Government’s requirements.
Our views on the city’s way forward
While we are in the midst of the pandemic, it is imperative that we keep an eye on Hong Kong’s economy in the mid nd longer terms and also measures that could improve citizens’ livelihoods. Earlier this year, we consolidated views from members on the 2022-23 Budget of the HKSAR and submitted a package of proposals to the Administration covering eight major areas. We are pleased that our proposals have essentially been taken into consideration by the Financial Secretary in charting Hong Kong’s strategic development.
Digitalisation updates
We have recently migrated our email system to Microsoft 365 and are now making use of the new tools available to enhance our work efficiency. This is most timely at the current peak of remote working. The Data Management System and Intranet system will soon be ready. The Room Booking System, which will enrich members’ experience, is now in the stage of User Acceptance Testing. We aim to launch the new booking system to all Divisions, Disciplines and Committees in the next Session.
Very soon, Divisions/Committees will be invited to engagement sessions on the content and operation of Event Management Application before procurement commences. Comments and suggestions are most welcome to ensure that the Application will be suitable to serve the benefit of our members.
Vice President nomination
Members are reminded that nominations for election to Vice President for Session 2022/2023 will close on 11 March 2022 at 5:30 pm. The nomination form and related information are available on the Institution’s website. Detail>>
Formal Training Scheme for Associate Membership in competence-based format
The Formal Training Scheme for Associate Membership AM Training) in the competence-based format will be launched on 1 April 2022. All trainees in AM Training with a training start date on or after 1 April 2022 will be registered in the competence-based format, and they may also choose to type or handwrite their reports as part of their training records. The new application fee for registering AM trainees associated with the launch of AM Training is waived until 31 March 2023.
The 45th Annual Dinner
In view of the prevailing Omicron outbreak, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the 45th HKIE Annual Dinner, originally scheduled for 18 March 2022, for a year to Session 2022/2023. The new date will be announced as soon as it is confirmed.
City Dress-up Photo Competition – “Engineering Hong Kong’s Bright Future”
The City Dress-up Photo Competition - “Engineering Hong Kong’s Bright Future” is now open for submissions. The Competition is a part of the City Dress-up Programme for the celebration of the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the Establishment of the HKSAR. HKIE Student Members and young members are invited to show the public the vitality of the engineering industry through photographing cityscapes. Details>>