Elected Chairman of the Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC)
The new legislative year has started on 1 Jan 2022. I was elected Chairman of the Public Works Subcommittee for the 2022-23 session. Until now, I have joined 5 panels, including panel on development, panel on housing, panel on transport, panel on environmental affairs, and panel on information technology and broadcasting.
Submitted proposal regarding the Budget 2023
Together with some other LegCo members, I submitted a proposal regarding the Budget 2023 on 10 Jan and focused on four policy themes of “stabilizing the epidemic, speeding up customs clearance, boosting the economy, and securing tenure”. The proposal put forward more than 100 policy recommendations, covering economic and livelihood issues such as innovation and technology, medical care, finance, and housing.
Urged the government to support the shipping and logistics industry
On 26 Jan, together with some other LegCo members, we proposed to the Government that Hong Kong has been caught in the quagmire of the global supply chain. We urged the Government to introduce a series of measures to support the shipping and logistics industry, to reduce the pressure on transportation costs, to ensure the supply of imported materials, to stabilize commodity prices, and to relieve the pressure on people’s livelihood.
Raised an oral question regarding taking forward infrastructure projects
I raised an oral question at the LegCo meeting on 26 Jan and asked the Government whether it will remove red tape, break undesirable bureaucratic habits, reasonably streamline procedures, compress work flow and make use of innovative technologies to enhance productivity, thereby expediting the resolution of the serious social conflicts arising from the inadequate supply of land and housing and whether it has made detailed planning in respect of the manpower resources to solve the problem of labor shortage in the construction industry. Please view my question and the Government’s reply via the following link: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/26/P2022012600438.htm?fontSize=1
Raised a written question regarding occupational safety
I raised a written question regarding occupational safety at the LegCo meeting on 19 Jan and asked the Government about staffing establishment of the Labour Department (LD) for conducting inspections on construction sites to ensure occupational safety, and the number of inspections conducted, ineach of the past three years; whether it will allocate additional resources to the LD for stepping up inspection work; whether it will review the legislation related to occupational safety and health and whether it will step up publicity and education efforts, so as to further enhance the safety awareness of employers and employees. Please view my question and the Government’s reply via the following link: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/19/P2022011900273.htm?fontSize=3
Raised a question regarding the Northern Metropolis at the CE Q&A session
I asked CE about the implementation planning of the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy at the CE Q&A session on 12 Jan. I urged the Government to launch relevant construction and infrastructure projects in an orderly manner, and strengthen forecasting and planning of human resources, so as to prevent the engineering and construction sector from falling into the vicious circle of “dying of starvation at one time anddying of overwork at another time”. Please view my question and CE’s reply via the following link: