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The late start of this Session, in end August instead of the normal June date, signifies a busy and challenging year ahead. Despite a shorter than usual period for the Session, we are dedicated to launching loads of new initiatives under the Presidential theme of “Commitment to Change – Boosting Professionalism: We are proud to be Engineers”.


Several key tasks of making the Engineer’s voice heard have thus far been accomplished. By end September, we submitted a report entitled “Recommendations on Streamlining Building Works and Infrastructure Development Processes” (see to the Administration. The report summarises feedback collected from stakeholders and makes recommendations on feasible ways of streamlining and fast tracking the existing administrative processes which would benefit the society. Shortly afterwards, we issued the Institution’s views and suggestions to the Chief Executive in connection with his Policy Address (see which was then yet to be announced. This was followed up by a press conference hosted by the President on 14 October to highlight our ideas in various aspects. These include our concerns on the prevailing low tender bids and hence the need for further review of procurement policy; comments on shortage of engineering manpower and means of addressing the issues; recommendations on streamlining the development processes; and our support for pursuing off-site and prefabrication works such as MiC or DfMA with a view to revitalising the construction industry. The views were widely reported in the media. After the Policy Address were announced, we continued our engagement with the media by sharing our visions in an off the record manner during a luncheon participated by representatives of more than fifteen media establishments.


Another task is the launch of the HKIE Grand Award 2023 in October. This Grand Award is held for the first time and differs primarily in the expanded choice of categories (now encompassing Innovation, Industrial, and Infrastructure) to which applicants may submit their work. With a more diversified body of competing entries, winners from more engineering sectors will receive recognition that they merit at the award ceremony to be held on 9 March during the "Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023". This ceremony will form one of the many engaging events of the Week including competitions, carnival, exhibitions, lectures, conferences and fundraising cycling & run.


Boosting professionalism will be more effective by joining hands. To this end, the Institution is collaborating with the Construction Industry Council (CIC) to organise the “Construction Hong Kong” Campaign to be launched in mid-November. In support of the Campaign, we have subscribed a booth in the CIC Construction Innovation Expo 2022 which will be held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 13 to 17 December. Through these endeavours, the Institution together with all industry stakeholders will show the public that we are going to spearhead a sea change in the construction culture by telling our good stories.


Cancelled last year because of the COVID situation, the Public Lecture/Webinar for the HKIE Outstanding Paper Awards for Young Engineers/Researchers will resume on 16 December this year (both physical and online) and will present awardees of 2021 and 2022. Online registration form will be available in mid-November and anyone interested should return the completed form by 9 December. With the four awardees expounding their findings, the event will be a showcase for our young talents’ accomplishments, and hence a great source of pride for all engineers alike.


Readers will recall that we are pressing ahead with full steam with our digitalisation projects. We have lately appointed Tectura Technology Ltd as our contractor for revamping completely the existing membership database system and develop a new customer relationship management (CRM) system, HKIE and ERB membership Online Application Systems, and mobile application for Event Management System. We expect user acceptance and testing will be in early 2024. Separately, the HKIE website will also undergo the much needed overhaul. Meetings with internal users will firstly be held to tap their wish list for areas of improvement. Meanwhile, members of the Institution are encouraged to watch out for e-news about an upcoming online survey that collects views regarding the overhaul project. It is hoped that a much better website of the Institution will be delivered after learning all the ideas about what and how we should do.


The Presidential Address/Dinner for Session 2022/2023

One of the most important annual events of the Institution, the Presidential Address/Dinner, was successfully held on 19 October 2022 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. President Ir Aaron K M BOK rolled out his blueprint for the year ahead under the theme of “We Are Proud to Be Engineers” (以工程師為傲) on the occasion. If you have missed the live presentation by the President, you may view the webcast online at


The President also acknowledged our members’ achievements by presenting prizes to the awardees of The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/ Researchers 2022, The HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize 2022 and the Long Service Award for the HKIE Secretariat. The President also presented a Certificate of Special Distinction to our youngest student member Mr Peter LIU, aged 13, to recognise his distinguished accomplishment. Details of the event will be reported in the next issue of Hong Kong Engineer.


The Young Engineer of the Year Award 2023 – Call for nominations

Since 2003, 20 outstanding young engineers were bestowed Young Engineer of the Year Award in recognition of their commendable achievements and valuable contributions to the continuous development of Hong Kong.


The Institution is pleased to announce that the Award for the year 2023 is now open for nominations until 5:00 pm (Hong Kong time) Thursday, 1 December 2022. For more details on the eligibility and nomination procedures, please visit the HKIE website at




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