Chairman’s message
By Ir Darryl CHAN

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I am honoured to have been chosen by my peers as AC Division Chairman. The AC Division has been well steered through the recent storms, by my illustrious predecessors and I am privileged that the helm has been passed to me and this session’s committee.


The AC Division, lives and thrives on aviation activities in Hong Kong. The recent years have been rather unkind to this industry, and yet the previous Chairmen have still been able to host webinars, specialist courses and lectures, and partnered with other learned aeronautical societies. With COVID restrictions now relaxing a little, aviation technical visits are now within our grasp.


Following the success of our first HKAR-183 Training Course in August, which was fully subscribed, we are holding another one which has again fully subscribed. The Division is also delighted to be partnered with the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, with the support of the Civil Aviation Department. With such a pent-up demand for specialist knowledge, we are planning a string of courses in 2023, including our best in class, Airworthiness Course, so stay tuned.


The AC Division welcomes the reduction in quarantine by the new administration which has generated a rise in aircraft movements. The AC Division encourages a continuation of this direction which should be safe and pragmatic. Our members livelihoods, and therefore, the Institution is reliant on a vibrant Hong Kong aviation industry, and the Division is ready to pounce on any opportunities to secure this for the AC Division members, and Hong Kong.

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