Technical visit to Kai Tak Sports Park
By Ir Jenny MAK

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The captioned visit was organised by the BD Division on 18 June 2022. The site tour was led by Mr Eric Lau and his team from Hip Hing Construction Co Ltd., the construction company for the project.


To start the visit, Mr Lau and his team delivered a PowerPoint briefing on the background and design features of the project. The Kai Tak Sports Park is a world-class sports venue of around 28 hectares. It features a new 50,000-seat main stadium with a retractable roof, bowl cooling, and a flexible pitch surface, making it ideal for major football and rugby games and public entertainment. An iconic feature of the project from an engineering perspective was its digital implementation. The project team utilised open BIM and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), etc. to secure certainty and control over the project.


They used BIM modelling to simulate the entire material delivery, construction, and installation sequence of the steel trusses for the retractable roof of the main stadium. They also used BIM to generate an accurate and efficient fabrication schedule for the curved baffle ceiling, which greatly minimised problems for the façade team.


After the presentations, the participants were led to the Sports Park to view the Roof Truss Installation Status and the Façade mock-up work. The scale of the main stadium superstructure; the seating of the 1350T Mobile Crane at the centre of the stadium; the heavy-lifted main truss as well as the mock-up of the mega-sized gutter for the roof truss, the triangular shape façade panels and the precast seating were all showcased to the participants, who were greatly impressed.


During the technical visit, the project team shared their valuable experience and the challenges they encountered during the project. On behalf of the participants, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the BD Division and the project construction team for arranging this fruitful and memorable visit.

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