City Dress-up Photo Competition - “Engineering Hong Kong’s Bright Future”

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Following our last report on the City Dress-up Photo Competition - “Engineering Hong Kong’s Bright Future” in the August 2022 issue, we wish to share the winning photos of Certificate of Merit with our readers in this issue. We hope you enjoy them.


Category - HKIE Student Member - Certificate of Merit


Self Photos / Files - Merit_S001

Photographer: Mr Ho Si Ho


C for Civilisation, Communication, Construction, which combined creates City and Community.


Self Photos / Files - Merit_S004

Photographer: Miss Jessica Ng Tsz Ching

Engineering on Sunset

With the view around Stonecutters Island, Hong Kong comprehensive infrastructure is immersed in our daily life. Sunset lingered on the horizon, shows how beautiful the engineering is.


Self Photos / Files - Merit_S006

Photographer: Mr Shum Hei Chun

Shenzhen Bay Bridge



Self Photos / Files - Merit_S006

Photographer: Mr Jeffrey Chang Man Hei




Category - HKIE Member of 35 years of age or below - Certificate of Merit


Self Photos / Files - Merit_Y006

Photographer: Miss Lee Wing Ki

Film of the City

西九文化區是一個嶄新且充滿活力的文化藝術區, 參觀者除可沉浸在藝術和文化的空間中, 拾級而上找個位置擁抱寧靜的大自然也是另一選擇。建築物的上方是富有東方色彩的竹筒設計, 配合現代建築特色, 形成一張彩色底片, 城市的脈搏就在這一刻被定格。


Self Photos / Files - Merit_Y015

Photographer: Mr Chan Tsun Yin

From Nature to City



Self Photos / Files - Merit_Y032

Photographer: Mr Kelvin Yu Kang



Self Photos / Files - Merit_Y048

Photographer: Mr Jason Ho Chun Kit

Neon Mystery

A new vision and iconic landmark with the neon lights growing and glowing in Hong Kong, The Henderson, the prestigious commercial development in Central will unveil its mystery, and witness the rapid development of Hong Kong, looking forwards to the smart technological city. 


Self Photos / Files - Merit_Y062

Photographer: Ir Lok Chun Yin

Made a Difference

Think win-win


Self Photos / Files - Merit_Y100

Photographer: Mr Charles Chan Tsz Kin

The Higher You Got, The More Amazed You Were.

The Higher You Got, The More Amazed You Were.


Category - HKIE Member of over 35 years of age - Certificate of Merit


Self Photos / Files - Merit_M003

Photographer: Ir Dr Kenneth Lau Wing Kai

Anderson Quarry Site - An Epitome of our Construction Development

Until 2013, this site was a major supplier of local quarry for Hong Kong’s construction needs. Now, it is being transformed to house 25,000 people and others community facilities including a quarry park by 2024. By 2030, Public Works Central Laboratory and Government Record Centre will also be housed inside the 200 m high rock slope. Anderson Quarry thus truly reflects the past, present and future of our construction industry.


Self Photos / Files - Merit_M016

Photographer: Ir Raymond Ho Hong Cheong


Construction of a “Wet” marine shaft to 28 m below sea level, for a TBM breakthrough and its retrieval.


Self Photos / Files - Merit_M028

Photographer: Ir Elton Ko Ming Yuen

Hand In Hand

For the DSD’s ongoing project “Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns”, the project team was about to carry out the surveying work at the existing THEES tunnel. The treated sewage of the future Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works would be conveyed through the THEES tunnel from Nui Po Shan to Kai Tak for discharge. DSD, supervising team (AECOM), contractors and workers made themselves a small cheering.


Self Photos / Files - Merit_M031

Photographer: Ir Wong Wing Shing

New Future

Rapid Development, Innovative Future.


Self Photos / Files - Merit_M034

Photographer: Ir Tsang Ping Chiu




Self Photos / Files - Merit_M050

Photographer: Ir Siu Wai Chung




Self Photos / Files - Merit_M059

Photographer: Ir Patrick Lam Pak Yik


Sea and Land, Port and Bridge, East and West, Day and Night, Infrastructure connect all of us.


Yan Chai STEM Faire 2022
By Ir Ambrose CHEN

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With an aim to support STEM education and nurture students to learn more about the engineering industry, the Institution was invited to participate in the Yan Chai STEM Faire 2022.


The Yan Chai STEM Faire is a flagship event by the Yan Chai Hospital Board. The faire was jointly organised by over 20 kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools under the Yan Chai Group to showcase their STEM education to the public, as well as to facilitate knowledge exchange between schools and the industry. For the first time, the HKIE was invited to participate in this meaningful event and to share with the public information about HKIE and our contribution to society.


From woodblock model cars to self-built kart vehicles; from robot games to application of AI for mask detection, the event demonstrated various talent and STEM potential of the students.


With the help of the YMC, we hosted a booth to introduce the HKIE to the schools and the public. Participants experienced different aspects of the engineering industry through quizzes and games. They also learned about the Institution and how various disciplines of engineers in Hong Kong have contributed to the society. Through the sharing by our young engineers, the public also learned more about the career prospects of engineers.


The Institution will continue its efforts in promoting engineering via STEM education to the public.

Webinar on BIM and its engineering applications (Part II)
By Ir Wanye LAM

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The second thematic webinar “Building information modelling (BIM) and its engineering applications” organised by the Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPDC) on 21 May 2022 attracted over 700 members from various disciplines.


Various standards and guidelines on BIM were developed to enhance the project management and asset management, and improve the overall productivity of the construction industry. First up was Ir Dr Llewellyn Tang, Founder of Llewellyn and Partners Co. Ltd. introducing the ISO19650 for managing information over the whole life cycle of a built asset using BIM. Data management is one of the utmost importance in BIM uses, with BIM projects can be designed, checked and audited properly. Ir Dr Tang presented the AutoCDE, the standard compliant environment in which BIM information (structured data, 3D models and documents) is specified, collected, assured, stored, presented and exploited during various construction and operation phases.


Mr Simon Ng, Head of BIM in China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd, presented various showcases of BIM applications in civil and E&M projects. With the adoption of BIM in each project phase, all stakeholders including designers, contractors, clients and even the public could visualise the details and programme of the works. To this extent, the project team could ensure the works are constructed in accordance with the original plan in a safe and efficient manner. Before the end of his presentation, Mr Ng also introduced different innovative uses of BIM applications and highlighted eight things that we should know for a better experience with BIM.


The question-and-answer session was moderated by Ir Victor Lo, Deputy Chairman of CPDC. The participants and panellists had a fruitful discussion on the BIM standards and the BIM applications. Last but not least, Ir Paul Chan, Chairman of CPDC, thanked all distinguished speakers and closed this thematic webinar on BIM.

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