New Year bringing New Hopes

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The last months see some exciting changes to the whole community. With COVID-19 gradually evolving as endemic, the Mainland generally removed all quarantine requirements in last December and our border has now reopened. Against anxieties of many, there is no new mutant strain reportedly identified and the local epidemic situation is essentially stabilising. When all are enjoying the festive season and also the Chinese New Year long holidays, the Administration has been taking a prudent approach of relaxing the social distancing restrictions incrementally. It is foreseeable that with the confidence gained in these relaxation measures, the society will shift towards a return to normal in the coming months.


The returning to normality is indeed a long-awaited relief to everyone in Hong Kong. We have endured great suffering in the last three years to our well-bearing both collectively and individually. For the engineering industry, we witnessed the serious disruption to supply chains, the ensuing cost escalations and programme delays, barriers barring opportunities to meet and exchange ideas with our counterparts elsewhere in a physical manner, and so on. The closure of COVID-19 pandemic at the start of this year brings along a lot of hope to the engineers for recovering what we have dearly lost.


In preparation for the new start, the Institution has been making steady progress on preparing the flagship event of this Session, viz, the Hong Kong Engineers Week (HKEW). With only about a month to go, the HKEW is fast approaching and will be staged from 3 to 11 March under the theme of “Our Future, We Engineer”. Members can refer to this link for the programme highlights of the events. As the overture to the HKEW proper, we have already launched the Innovation Competition and the HKIE Grand Award in October last year. We will launch another preparatory event, namely the HKIE Exhibition, on 18 February. In this exhibition, which will run until 26 February at the entrance area and corridor of the 2nd floor of Central Market, the public will be able to learn about our 21 engineering disciplines, what each seeks to accomplish, and how they synergise with one another to yield end products and social benefits that are often taken for granted in daily life.


Meanwhile, we are also picking up steam in our efforts to push ahead with the many initiatives delineated in the “Time to Change Roadmap” aiming at revitalisation of the Institution. A major focus area of the Roadmap concerns digitalisation and on this front, our website revamp has achieved a key milestone. After working out the revamped site structures and defining the scope of the project, we are now conducting the tendering exercise. When a service provider is appointed, probably in late February, we can look forward to the project’s transition to the system analysis and design stage. It is the current plan to have a new website for the Institution by early 2024.


These are only just some exciting new developments at the Institution which we wish to share with you. There are many other endeavours on-going, all targeted at augmenting value of membership. With your support, we are sure that the Year of the Rabbit will be a fruitful one for us all.


Vice President nomination

In preparation for the Vice President election for Session 2023/2024, the Council reviewed and adopted the “Procedures and Schedule for Vice President Nomination”. The nomination period for election of Vice President for Session 2023/2024 is from 8 February to 10 March 2023. A Council meeting (Special) will be held on 20 April 2023 for the candidate(s) to make a presentation to the Council Members before the Council finalises its nominations of Vice President for election by Corporate Members on the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Details of the information and the nomination form are available on the Institution’s website at during the nomination period.


Election of Honorary Fellows

The Council resolved to elect Ir Prof Joseph Lee Hun-wei and Ir Dr the Hon Lo Wai-kwok as Honorary Fellows of the Institution in recognition of their distinguished achievements and contributions to engineering and the Institution.


Renewal of Reciprocal Recognition Agreement (RRA) with the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM)

On the recommendation of the Q & M Board, the Council approved the renewal of RRA with the IGEM.


Renewal of Reciprocal Recognition Agreement with the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3)

On the recommendation of the Q & M Board, the Council approved the renewal of RRA with the IOM3.


Fee charges for resitting Structural Examination

On the recommendation of the Administration Board, the Council approved the proposal on the fee charges set for resitting Multiple Choice Questions Section and Design Questions Section of the Structural Written Examination.


Provision of Support for Young Members in Social Unrest-related Conviction Cases

On the recommendation of the Executive, the Council approved establishing a partnership between the Institution and Project Change to devise a scheme to provide support to young members involved in social unrest-related convicted cases to help them return to the engineering profession later. The Council also agreed to form a task force to develop the collaboration plan in detail.


Rejoining the Hong Kong Coalition of Professional Services

On the recommendation of the Executive, the Council approved to rejoin the Hong Kong Coalition of Professional Services.


Nomination of Chairperson and Directors of Engineering Forum for 2023-2025

The Council approved the nominations of Chairperson and ten Directors of Engineering Forum for the term 2023-2025 in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Engineering Forum Ltd.


Unpaid annual subscription

The Council resolved to strike off a list of members who have not paid their annual subscriptions for the year 2022/2023 pursuant to Article 13(2) of the Constitution


Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023 (HKEW)

The HKIE will host the Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023 (HKEW) from 3 – 11 March 2023, to enhance the visibility of the engineering profession and showcase the diversity and significance of the work engineers do.


Under the theme of “Our Future, We Engineer”, the HKEW comprises a number of engaging events including an innovation competition, an outdoor carnival, indoor exhibition, public lectures, an international conference and a fundraising cycling & run event. The HKEW aims to create a positive and long-lasting impression of engineers on younger members of our society.


The HKIE 45th Annual Dinner

The 45th Annual Dinner will be held on 17 March 2023 at the Convention Hall of the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. We are honoured to have invited The Honourable John K C LEE, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Ir Thomas O S HO, JP, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council as our Principal Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.


Members are encouraged to join us on this important occasion. For booking details, please visit the HKIE website at for more details.

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