



Self Photos / Files - obituary


In memory of Ir SZE Tak Wei John


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers expresses our deepest sorrow over the passing away of Ir Sze Tak Wei John on 10 January 2023 at the age of 93.


We remembered Ir John Sze for his infectious passion, not only his contributions in the telecommunications industry, but also his devotion to community services. He worked in Cable and Wireless Limited Hong Kong from 1951 to 1973 with skills covering MF, HF, VHF, Microwave and Satellite systems. In 1969, he was the Cable and Wireless Staff Union Chairman and led the industrial action to fight for the same salary and benefits (同工同酬) for local staff, demanding an equivalent to expatriate staff for carrying out the same type of work. In 1973, he operated his own communication business ranging from trunk radio, paging, microwave systems to digital radio alarm network service, GPS monitoring, and smartcard systems with services in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China. One of his remarkable achievements was the pioneer introduction of the Care-on-call “平安鐘” service to enhance the caring and medical attention to the elderly in Hong Kong.


Ir John Sze joined the HKIE for more than 50 years and served as the Chairman of Electronics Division for Session 1999/2000, Chairman of Information Technology Division for Session 2002/2003 and Council Member (Division) during Sessions 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. He was the founding Chairman of the HKIE Veneree Club “睿賢學社” in 2012. The Club served retired engineers with monthly talks and regular visits. He served on various advisory committees of the government and universities. He also represented the HKIE to give opinions and comments on public affairs and issues related to electronics and IT engineering.


Ir John Sze was also dedicated to community services and joined Rotary Club in 1946. He established the Rotary Club of Kowloon Northeast (九龍東北扶輪社) in 1986 and took chairmanship and was a committee member for more than 30 years. Regular community activities were organised, including cooperation with the Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth (香港傷殘青年協會), a registered charitable organisation managed by people with disabilities. In 2004, he started to learn Cantonese Opera (粵劇) and in subsequent years participated in many charitable performances.


Ir John Sze’s telecommunication skills and his devoted community services, in particular, his motto “Never say Re-tired (永不言休)”, are always treasured by all our hearts.


Ir John Sze is survived by his wife with one son and one daughter. We would like to express our deepest condolences to his family.


May his soul rest in peace.


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