Raised a question on occupational safety and health
On 30 Nov, I raised a question on occupational safety and health regarding the number of inspections conducted and the number of prosecution summonses issued; regarding the convicted cases mentioned in the highest and lowest amounts fined, the longest and shortest terms of imprisonment imposed for cases involving fatal industrial accidents, as well as the respective numbers of cases in respect of which the Labour Department requested the Department of Justice to seek the court's review of, and to lodge an appeal to the court against, the penalties imposed. I also asked the Government if it will step up inspections and monitoring for ensuring OSH, and if it will step up education and training for raising OSH awareness. For my question and the Government’s reply, please click the link below:
https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/ general/202211/30/P2022113000215. htm?fontSize=3
Funding projects approved by the FC and the PWSC
On 9 Nov, the funding request of $2.5 billion was endorsed at the PWSC meeting to construct the Heritage Conservation and Resource Centre at Tin Shui Wai to support the development of the arts and culture and better serve the needs of the community. On 23 Nov, the funding project of $0.3 billion was endorsed at the PWSC meeting for the improvement of Tsuen Wan Riviera Park and Tsuen Wan Park. The projects together with the others would be forwarded to the FC for final funding approval.
On 25 Nov, the funding project of $2.3 billion was approved at the FC meeting to relocate the existing Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs and associated facilities to caverns so as to release the existing site for housing and other uses beneficial to the people’s livelihood. On the same day, another funding request of $1.49 billion was approved for the construction of a new public market in Tin Shui Wai.
Re-organisation of the Environment Branch of the Environment and Ecology Bureau and the Environmental Protection Department
At the ESC meeting on 16 Nov, I supported the proposals for the re-organisation of the Environment Branch of the Environment and Ecology Bureau and the Environmental Protection Department with effect from 1 January 2023 to strengthen climate change actions, waste reduction and recycling, and various environmentrelated tasks. The Environment Branch and Environmental Protection Department will be segregated to handle mainly policy formulation and execution of duties respectively. The item will be discussed at the FC meeting for final funding approval.
Visited Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel and Tseung Kwan O Cross Bay Link
On 15 Nov, together with some other LegCo members, I visited the Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel and Tseung Kwan O Cross Bay Link to understand the latest situation of the two highway projects before their commissioning on 11 December 2022. We first visited the TKO-LT Tunnel to learn about its key features by riding through the cross passage of the Tunnel. Members then went to the marine viaduct of the Cross Bay Link to gain a better understanding of its design features and innovative construction method. This is the first marine viaduct in Hong Kong which contains carriageways, a cycle track and a footway. During the visit, Members were pleased to learn that the journey time between Tseung Kwan O and Kowloon East will be cut by about 20 minutes during the morning peak hours.
Joined “Design for Future Construction Build for Life Hong Kong” Launch Ceremony
On 14 Nov, I was invited to the launch ceremony of the “Design for Future Construction Build for Life Hong Kong” Industry-wide PR Campaign which was co-organized by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Development Bureau. As an annual signature event of the CIC, the campaign aims to promote the industry and engage members of the public to elevate the quality of the construction workforce and uphold the professionalism of the industry in Hong Kong. It is well received by both industrial practitioners and the community.