(From 25 August 2022 to 16 December 2022)
Organisation | Board/Committee | Representative(s)/Nominee(s) |
The HKSAR Government | ||
Buildings Department |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel |
Ir Kylie LAM Nga Yan |
Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office | Mentors for the “Strive and Rise Programme” (共創明“Teen”計劃) | Ir CHAN Chi Man, Ir Leo CHAN Hei Yim, Ir Dr Johnny CHEUK Chi Yin, Ir Alice CHOW Kin Tak, Ir Carmen CHU, Ir Eva KONG Nai Kui, Ir Wilson KWOK Wai Shun, Ir Horace LEE Chi Ho, Ir Jimmy LI Kwun, Ir William LUK Wai Lam, Ir Tracy PANG Ching Man, Ir Jenny YEUNG Fei |
Construction Industry Council | BIM Competition 2023 Organising Committee | Ir Angela CHAO Sih Chu |
Development Bureau | Appeal Board Panel under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap 583) | Ir Felix CHAN Chun Tao, Ir Dr Philip CHAN Kan Ip, Ir Brian CHENG Wai Lung, Ir Henry CHEUNG Nin Sang, Ir Prof Jonathan LEE Man Kwong, Ir Sally LEUNG Suk Yan, Ir Dr Tommy LO Yiu, Ir Michelle NG Tsz Wing, Ir Dicky POON Yat Fai, Ir Kevin TANG, Ir Keith TSE Mau Kay, Ir Victon WONG Wing Lung, Ir Alan YAN Wai Ming, Ir Albert YAU Tat Hing, Mr Daniel YIP Toa Sun, Ir Tony ZA Wai Gin |
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department |
Disciplinary Tribunal Panel under Builders’ Lifts and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance, Cap 470 |
Ir Dr Philip CHAN Kan Ip, Ir HO Sau Chiu, Ir Banson LAM Kin Chung, Ir Dr LI Chi Kwong, Ir Albany TAM Wa Iat |
Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease Committee (Replacement nomination) |
Ir Dr XIAO Fu | |
Fire Services Department | Advisory Committee under Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance, Cap 572 |
Ir Anny IP Kit Ying, Ir Keith YUE Wai Pui |
Advisory Committee under Fire Safety (Industrial Buildings) Ordinance, Cap 636 |
Ir Jimmy LI Kwun, Ir Dr Fiona TSUI Suk Chong | |
Home and Youth Affairs Bureau |
Appeal Board Panel of the Amusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance |
Mechanical Engineers
Occupational Safety & Health Council |
Industry-based Safety and Health Committees (2023-27) |
Construction Industry Safety and Health Committee
Higher Education Institution | ||
City University of Hong Kong | Departmental Advisory Committee | Ir Alice CHOW Kin Tak |
Vocational Training Council | Electrical and Mechanical Services Training Board |
Ir Brian CHENG Wai Lung |
Innovation and Technology Training Board | Ir Dr Ritz LAU Ming Ho | |
Others | ||
中央政府駐港聯絡辦教育科技部 | 工程及建測規園界青年菁英國情研習班 | Ir CHENG Wing Ho, Miss LAU Hok Yee, Mr LEE Chi Pan, Ir LEE Hok Man, Ir LIU Yang, Ir XIE Haijian, Ir XIE Yuzhou, Miss XU Yingyu, Ir ZHOU Shanjing, Mr ZHU Zhiyi |