WK Lo's LegCo Express

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Elected Chairman of the Bills Committee on Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill


This Bill aims to facilitate the recovery of payments under construction contracts; to provide a mechanism for speedy resolution of payment disputes under certain construction contracts through adjudication proceedings; to give a right to a party to a construction contract, under certain circumstances, to suspend or reduce the rate of progress of the construction work or the supply of related goods and services under the contract. I was elected Chairman of this Bills Committee at the first meeting in June.


Presentation of the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Bill at the LegCo meeting


The Panel on Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council was consulted on 25 March 2024, and Members supported the general objectives of the Bill. The Chief Executive granted his consent for the Bill to be introduced to the Legislative Council on 24 May 2024. The Bill was published in the Gazette on 14 June 2024 and 21 June 2024 and notice of the Bill has been given by way of advertisements in two daily newspapers on 14 June 2024 and 21 June 2024. The Bill also had its First Reading and Second Reading on 4 July 2024.


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Conducted a report on the Development of New Quality Productive Forces in Hong Kong


Together with some other LegCo members, I released the report on the “Development of New Quality Productive Forces in Hong Kong” on 27 June. The report suggests that Hong Kong should focus on three main areas: “New Services,” “New Manufacturing,” and “New Business Models,” to enhance its new quality productive forces. The report emphasizes the importance of constructing a “dual circulation” industrial internet exchange platform, which falls under both “New Services” and “New Business Models.” Hong Kong, serving as a crucial interface for the country’s internal and external circulation, has unique advantages and status that mainland cities do not possess in building this “dual circulation” industrial internet exchange platform. This would not only contribute hundreds of billions of dollars to GDP but also transform Hong Kong into an international information center and project docking center. I believe this is a top priority for Hong Kong in developing new quality productive forces.


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Public works projects approved at the PWSC and FC meetings


At the PWSC meeting on 19 June, a funding project of HK$2.89 billion was approved to construct the Amenity Complex in Area 103, Ma On Shan.


At the FC meeting on 7 June, a new commitment of HK$6 billion to implement the “Subsidy Programme for the Setup of Life and Health Technology Research Institute(s) was approved. At the FC meeting on 28 June, a funding allocation of HK$30.17 billion was approved for the remaining Phase of Site Formation and Engineering Infrastructure Works at Kwu Tung North New Development Area and Fanling North New Development Area.


Joined the Subcommittee to Study the Effectiveness, Costs and Management of Public Works Projects


The Subcommittee aims to review the tendering mechanism and procurement models for public works projects; to review the project management of public works projects for greater effectiveness and reduced costs; to strengthen the monitoring of estimated project costs and expenditures for public works projects and review the effectiveness of the Administration’s oversight of construction progress for such projects; to promote the adoption of advanced construction technologies within the Government and in the construction sector; and to study the experience of the Mainland and advanced overseas countries in the application of advanced construction technologies, and public works management system, etc. I joined the Subcommittee in June.


Joined the Subcommittee to Study Population Policy and Initiatives


This Subcommittee aims to comprehensively review Hong Kong’s population policy, formulate short, medium and long-term measures to address the challenges brought by changes in demographic structure, find out the demographic structure and manpower resources required for future social development, and tackle in the long run the challenges of population ageing in a planned and pragmatic manner by training up suitable manpower, implementing measures to encourage childbearing, promoting active ageing, and improving elderly services. I joined the Subcommittee in June.


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