Presidential Visit to the UK 2024

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From 4 to 6 November 2024, the HKIE delegation embarked on a brief yet highly productive Presidential Visit to the UK. The delegation successfully strengthened connections with sister institutions, deepened relationships with UK-based members, and raised the profile of the HKIE within the UK engineering community.


The delegation was led by President Ir Eric Ma and the other delegates included Senior Vice President Ir Alice Chow, Chairman of International Affairs Committee Ir William Luk, Chief Executive and Secretary Ir Prof Alfred Sit, and four President’s Protégés. They set off from Hong Kong on a beautiful Saturday, filled with anticipation for the events and interactions ahead.


Day 1: 4 November (Monday)


The UK Visit officially began with an International Conference on the theme “Engineering x Innovation: Nurturing Engineering Talents and Leaders for a New Era”, co-organised with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). Held at the historic Savoy Place, the headquarters of the IET, the event featured a keynote address from IET President Mr Warren East, followed by presentations from seven distinguished speakers including Ir Alice Chow. Other notable speakers were Mr Ed McCann (the Institution of Civil Engineers), Mr David Short (Engineering Council, United Kingdom), Mr Peng Fuping (China Association for Science and Technology), Mr Vince Arnold (the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers), Mr Rob Wild (the Institution of Mechanical Engineers), and Prof Dawn Bonfield (Royal Academy of Engineering). The conference concluded with a lively panel discussion moderated by the UK Chapter Chairman Ir Harry Lee, where the speakers engaged in interactive dialogue with the audience.


After a thought-provoking morning, delegates, speakers, and invited guests gathered for a lunch reception at the IET. Over a meal featuring seasonal ingredients, the discussions at the conference continued in a more relaxed and informal setting.


In the afternoon, the delegation had a brief but productive meeting with the President and the Chief Executive and Secretary of the IET, discussing various topics of mutual interest. Following this, they visited AECOM, where they were warmly welcomed by a diverse group of engineers. The exchange of ideas on recent projects and industry developments highlighted the importance of cross-border and cross-cultural collaboration, perfectly aligning with this year’s Presidential Theme “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links”.


Day 2: 5 November (Tuesday)


The second day began with the delegation attending the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)’s Presidential Address. President Ir Eric Ma joined ICE President Prof Jim Hall on stage, offering insights into Hong Kong’s strategic infrastructure planning.


In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) and the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), where the discussions emphasised the importance of inter-institutional collaboration. Both parties expressed optimism about increasing communication and expanding partnership on a broader range of topics.


The highlight of the day was a cocktail reception co-organised with the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) London. Held at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House, the event brought together entrepreneurs, HKIE members in London, local engineering professionals, and university students. Guests were updated on the latest developments in Hong Kong, while students were encouraged to explore career opportunities arising from new infrastructure projects in the city. The evening was filled with engaging conversations, new connections, and a delightful atmosphere.


Day 3: 6 November (Wednesday)


The final day focused on reinforcing ties with sister institutions through a series of courtesy visits. The delegation met with representatives from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). Discussions covered key topics such as sustainability, future initiatives, and opportunities for further collaboration. The meetings were marked by a friendly and energetic atmosphere, and they successfully achieved their objectives.


Over the course of three days, the HKIE delegation not only forged valuable connections but also rekindled their passion for the engineering profession. The meaningful exchanges reinforced the importance of international collaboration in overcoming global challenges and underscored the institution’s mission to “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links”.


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Speakers of the International Conference having a panel discussion, moderated by Ir Harry Lee, Chairman of the UK Chapter (1st right)


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Meeting with the AECOM team at their office


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Cocktail Reception co-organised with HKETO London at JW Marriott Grosvenor House London


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Many happy faces at the Cocktail Reception


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After a fruitful meeting with the ICE team



If you choose to listen to this article, you are welcome to download the PDF version of the Journal (December 2024 issue) and activate the “Read Out Loud” function in Adobe Reader. For more details, please read the user's note.






廣西在「一帶一路」倡議中扮演重要戰略角色,其「四維支撐」發展戰略強調加強對東部的開放,特別是提升與粵港地區的合作,並加 強廣西與香港專業服務業的協作,如中國東盟信息港,和面向東盟的交通物流建設等。






考察團首兩天的行程涵蓋歷史、人文及工業發展等多方面。團員們參觀了以下幾個地方:柳州工業博物館 - 了解柳州作為老工業基地,如何通過改造和提升傳統產業,成為國家的首批示範區、循環經濟試驗區和新興產業培育區;桂林博物館 - 追溯三萬年前古人類在桂林的活動至現代的歷史演變;八路軍桂林辦事處紀念館 - 認識抗戰時期廣西全面抗戰和全民抗戰的重要歷史過程。




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下午,考察團拜訪廣西港澳辦,獲黨組成員、副主任、一級巡視員 宋海軍會見。宋副主任向團員介紹了廣西的多項重點發展項目, 包括科技創新、工業、交通物流、船運、農產品、養老和旅遊等。宋副主任亦邀請學會未來多到廣西考察互動,尋找發展機遇,以積極響應習近平總書記在考察廣西時提出的指示,要與粵港澳展開寬領域、深層次、高水平合作,推進桂港合作進一步發展。


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考察團最後一天的行程十分豐富。第一站拜訪廣西大學,與科研院綜合處楊麗娜副處長及多位來自不同學院的教授進行座談。同時,團隊參觀了土木工程學院、機械工程學院和新能源汽車研究中心。 各中心主管介紹了包括大跨拱橋智能建造、複雜裝備設計及故障診斷、智能農機和新能源汽車動力與傳動研究等多個重點項目。


第二站為經國務院批准成立的數字科技公司—中國-東盟信息港,了 解中國與東盟國家推進「數字絲綢之路」建設的情況。例如,推動數字基礎設施建設、建成多條國際陸地光纜、國際互聯網數據專用通道和雲計算創新中心等,並發起成立面向東盟的金融基礎設施平台,為國內外政、銀、企的跨區域交流與合作提供安全、高效的市場化徵信服務。


最後一站為平陸運河正在興建中的馬道樞紐。這項「世紀工程」是西部陸海新通道的骨幹工程,建成通航後,將直接開闢廣西及西南地區通往東盟地區的最短、最經濟、最便捷的通道。更令人矚目的 是,平陸運河建設管理團隊提出了多項創新的土石方綜合利用方案,將開鑿運河的土壤資源變廢為寶,在適宜的區域進行土地平整和改造,成功新增了數百畝耕地,為當地農民提供了寶貴的土地資源。這詮釋了習總書記「綠水青山就是金山銀山」的綠色發展理念, 實現經濟效益與生態效益的雙贏。


這次廣西考察團不僅促進了各分部之間的溝通交流,還為學會加強桂港合作奠定了良好的基礎,有助於推動兩地專業知識和 人才的流動。


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上兩屆論壇分別於北京和澳門舉行,並由土木分部代表學會出席。 本屆論壇在香港舉行,為隆重其事,本屆土木分部加上屋宇裝備分部、電機分部、環境分部和物流及運輸分部共同參與籌辦,展現學會各分部之間團結互助的精神,攜手推動會務的合作。


大會很榮幸邀得時任香港特別行政區政府運輸及物流局局長林世雄工程師;學會會長馬紹祥工程師;澳門工程師學會會長胡祖杰先生;台灣地工技術研究發展基金會董事長王泰典先生;中國工程院院士、清華大學公共安全研究院院長范維澄院士;中國土木工程學會軌道交通分會副理事長兼秘書長、北京城建設計發展集團股份有限公司黨委書記、總經理夏秀江先生;中國土木工程學會秘書長李吉勤先生以及中華人民共和國住房和城鄉建設部城市建設司 一級巡視員邢海峰先生出席並於開幕式上致辭。學會會長馬紹祥工程師在致辭中表示,本屆論壇的三個關鍵詞 - 「交通」、「城市建設」和「可持續發展」構成了城市發展的「鐵三角」。他強調智慧交通系統的重要性,並呼籲各界利用新一代信息技術應對極端天氣挑戰,推動城市的智慧化發展,以實現可持續的未來。此外,學會土木分部名譽秘書梁文添工程師作為香港籌委會主席亦發表歡迎詞, 強調論壇在促進兩岸四地合作中的重要性。


本屆論壇亦匯聚了海峽兩岸暨港澳的專家學者,圍繞交通與城市的議題展開深入對話,展現出極具創新性、前瞻性和引領性的思維。在科學論壇上,中國工程院院士、香港工程科學院院士及前院長李焯芬院士;香港大學名譽教授、香港理工大學傑出講座教授、中國工程院院士、英國皇家工程院院士陳清泉院士;中國工程院院士、深圳大學土木與交通工程學院院長陳湘生院士;加州理工學院博士、澳門大學土木及環境工程學特聘教授、智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室 (澳門大學) 首席科學家、粵港澳智慧城市聯合實驗室聯席主任、第十五屆光華工程科技獎獲獎人阮家榮教授以及台灣亞新工程顧問股份有限公司副總經理及董事蘇鼎鈞先生圍繞「城市建設與基礎設施」、「能源革命與汽氣革命新征程」、「建地鐵就是建城市」、「可伸縮貝葉斯寬度學習在災害防治的應用」、「邁向淨零:城市永續發展與減碳策略」等議題作報告交流。其後由學會土木分部主席李振輝工程師和物流及運輸分部主席朱家敏工程師共同主持專題討論環節,與一眾與會者進行了深入的交流討論。


在工程技術論壇上,來自兩岸四地的專家學者圍繞多個重要主題展開深入交流,包括工程創新科技如何推動城市可持續發展、城市軌道交通火災全尺寸實驗研究的最新進展,以及工業化、數字化和綠色化如何助力建築行業的轉型升級。此外,論壇還探討了未來城市的能源脈動,特別是智能化軌道交通儲能系統的技術突破與可持續發展路徑。與會者分享了數字化轉型在澳門大橋設計與建造工程項目中的成功實踐,以及藝築灣區創未來的理念,探討華藝科創如何賦能建築設計的探索與實踐。最後,論壇也結合PAS2080與碳管理,討論台灣捷運工程的綠色創新。其中,學會高級副會長周健德工程師就「工程創新科技如何推動城市可持續發展」發表演說, 分享香港在智慧交通和綠色交通發展上的經驗。其後的專題討論環節則由學會屋宇裝備分部主席李琨工程師和環境分部上任主席黃偉強工程師共同主持,就多個關鍵主題與與會者作出討論。










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時任香港特別行政區政府運輸及物流局局長林世雄工程師於開幕式上 致詞


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中國工程院院士、香港工程科學院院士及前院長李焯芬院士於科 學論壇上發表演說


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香港大學名譽教授、香港理工大學傑出講座教授、中國工程院院 士、英國皇家工程院院士陳清泉院士於科學論壇上發表演說


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民政及青年事務局啟德體育園項目審查員、學會前任會長詹伯樂工程師與一眾與會者到啟德體育園 進行工程參觀


Construction Dispute Resolution Committee collaborating with Deputy Secretary for Justice to promote engineers’ services in the dispute resolution sector

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The Institution’s Construction Dispute Resolution Committee (CDRC), led by Ir Dr Christopher To, held a successful meeting with the Deputy Secretary for Justice (DSJ), Dr Horace Cheung, SBS, JP, and his colleagues on 7 October 2024. The meeting focused on enhancing collaboration to promote the services of engineers in Hong Kong, particularly within the dispute resolution sector.


Representatives from the CDRC, including Ir Sidney Tong, Ir Ben Chan, Ir Jason Fan, Ir Mandy Leung, Ir Dennis Li and Ir Kevin Lee, engaged in a productive discussion with the DSJ, exploring opportunities to further the involvement of engineers in mediation, arbitration, adjudication, and expert witness services. Both parties recognised the essential role engineers play in these areas and the need to promote and support such services to strengthen Hong Kong’s position as a hub for dispute resolution.


Key highlights of the meeting include:


  • The CDRC and DSJ explored ways to enhance the existing expert witness listing mechanism to ensure transparency, accessibility, and confidence in the services provided by engineers.
  • Both parties discussed strategies to promote the expertise of Hong Kong engineers in international markets, positioning our engineers as trusted professionals in resolving disputes globally.
  • The DSJ extended an invitation to mediators to establish companies within the Greater Bay Area (GBA), supporting the facilitation of mediation services in Mainland China. This initiative aims to foster greater collaboration, enhance the professionalism of the dispute resolution services offered, and build confidence in Hong Kong’s expertise within the GBA.


Ir Dr Christopher To stated, “We are grateful for the support and collaborative spirit shown by the DSJ. This meeting laid the foundation for further development and promotion of HKIE members’ expertise, especially in dispute resolution. The Committee remains committed to enhancing our services and providing opportunities for our members to contribute to Hong Kong’s reputation as a leading dispute resolution hub.”


The CDRC is a dedicated platform focused on the development and promotion of dispute resolution services within the construction industry. It will continue its efforts to develop new initiatives in collaboration with the government and industry stakeholders, ensuring that its members remain at the forefront of innovation and excellence in dispute resolution. For more information of CDRC, please visit


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Meeting with Deputy Secretary for Justice to promote engineers' service in the dispute resolution sector


Sustainability in action: launching the HKIE UNSDGs eBook in press conference

If you choose to listen to this article, you are welcome to download the PDF version of the Journal (December 2024 issue) and activate the “Read Out Loud” function in Adobe Reader. For more details, please read the user's note.


To members of the public, the idea of engineer as someone in the vanguard of sustainable development may not appear self-evident. It is therefore essential to their fuller understanding of our profession that the Institution anchors engineers’ work more firmly in the pursuit of sustainability—in the fight against climate change and the fulfilment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).


Lately, the Institution made a major stride in this direction with the publication of the eBook Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Featuring 40+ engineering projects with an UNSDG designated to each, the eBook was officially launched in a hybrid press conference called on 19 November 2024 in our Headquarters. Media aside, the occasion was graced by the in-person attendance of President Ir Eric Ma, Chief Executive and Secretary Ir Prof Alfred Sit, Members of two Working Groups (the eBook’s and UNSDGs’) and many of the project owners who had provided materials that form the bulk of this informative publication. Mr Adrian Man, a President’s Protégé, served as the emcee.


After welcoming the attendees in his opening remarks, Ir Ma outlined the Institution’s (and the government’s) sustainable initiatives, explicated engineering’s inextricable connection with sustainable development, and articulated his confidence that the new publication will give a fuller expression to that very connection.


Ir Wilson Kwok, Chairman of the eBook’s Working Group, took up where Ir Ma left off, presenting the publication’s salient features. Ir Kwok began by positing a thought-provoking division of the 17 UNSDGs into four categories, each of which corresponds to a dimension of engineers’ efforts: Infrastructure, Well-being, Society, and Natural Environment. In making this fourfold distinction, Ir Kwok drew attention to how the engineering industry has been striving after sustainability by multiple means, without losing sight of its professionalism.


One of the major objectives of this publication, continued Ir Kwok, is to illuminate each featured project’s innovative elements and how they contribute to the given UNSDG; another is to inspire fellow practitioners to incorporate sustainability practices into their work. Ir Kwok is optimistic about the latter, for the large number of project owners ready to submit materials for the eBook, hailing from both public and private sectors, attests to the industry’s initiative on sustainability advocacy. To further illustrate the point, he gave an overview of all the iconic projects in the book’s first edition, with some of the individual UNSDGs having as many as three to four projects classified under it. For such a rich repository of illustrative examples, gratitude is owed, stressed Ir Kwok, to all the contributors.


In the concluding question-and-answer session, the Working Group, prompted by the media’s questions, delved more deeply into the publication’s theoretical underpinnings, the practicalities of applying UNSDGs in engineering works, the Institution’s participation in the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference, and other sustainability-related topics.


At a time when “sustainability” has become a professional watchword, to offer explanations and examples of the headway made by our engineers with the UNSDGs is to clarify their role as developers of a peaceful and resilient future. The new publication, and this press conference, underscored the Institution’s commitment to this with knowledge sharing.


The eBook can be read here.


Self Photos / Files - sdIr Eric Ma, President (4th left), Ir Prof Frank Chan, Vice President cum Advisor of the Working Group (3rd right), Ir Wilson Kwok, Chairman of the eBook's Working Group (3rd left), Ir Norman Chan, Member of Working Group (2nd right), Ir Kelvin Tang, Member of Working Group (2nd left), Ir Zhou Yan, Member of Working Group (1st right), and Ir Prof Alfred Sit, Chief Executive and Secretary (1st left) attending the launch of HKIE’s UNSDGs eBook Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals





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