The HKIE delegation visit to Dubai

If you choose to listen to this article, you are welcome to download the PDF version of the Journal (January 2024 issue) and activate the "Read Out Loud" function in Adobe Reader. For more details, please read the user's note.


The Institution set off in early December 2023 on a delegation led by President Ir Dr Barry Lee to the Middle East to attend the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Dubai. The delegation included Ir Dr Lee, Vice President Ir Alice Chow, Vice President Ir Prof Frank Chan, Chief Executive and Secretary Ir Prof Alfred Sit, and three Young Engineer of the Year Award (YEYA) winners from 2020 to 2022, Ir Tim Wong, Ir Ivy Leung, and Ir Tang Whai Tak.


The trip has been eventful. On Day One, it started with a visit to the Society of Engineers – UAE to understand the market structure and make new contacts. Our Past President, Ir Dr Otto Poon, also joined the delegation on Day One. The Institution then co-organised a cocktail reception with the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Dubai (HKETO Dubai) and the Hong Kong Climate Change Forum (HKCCF) at the HKETO Dubai office to create a communication platform for members of the Institution and multi-disciplinary experts in the UAE for networking. Following the cocktail reception, Secretary for Environment and Ecology Mr Tse Chin-wan, our President, and the three YEYA winners held a dialogue to discuss strategies and approaches to address climate change. The energetic discussion was broadcast live to Hong Kong to engage more members to take action against climate change.


On Day Two, we conducted another live broadcast tour of different locations within the COP28 venue for members. During the tour, we arranged a series of interviews to help members better understand the purposes of COP28 and learn more about the new decarbonisation technologies showcased in the exhibition. To strengthen partnerships with sister institutions and promote engineering excellence, a dinner was hosted in the evening for the presidents and delegations of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).


On Day Three, the delegation made a technical visit to the famous landmark Burj Khalifa and witnessed the application of innovative cooling coatings by i2Cool Ltd, which was incubated in Hong Kong. The delegation also visited AECOM’s office in Dubai to exchange valuable insights and explore opportunities for further cooperation in a professional and innovative environment. Our President, two Vice Presidents, and Chief Executive and Secretary were invited to attend the lunch gathering hosted by IET and witnessed the launch of the International Green Skills Survey, which provided valuable insights into the barriers and solutions to achieving net-zero emissions in the engineering industry. This information will support the Institution in advancing the Hong Kong engineering industry into a new stage. As the delegation’s trip to Dubai came to an end, we were very honoured to host a thank-you dinner to express our gratitude to the Director and two Deputy Directors of the HKETO Dubai. This special occasion provided us with an opportunity to show appreciation for their efforts in advancing our mutual goals and further strengthened our ties, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in promoting engineering excellence.


This visit was a pioneering step for the Institution and confirmed our commitment to engaging the engineering profession in climate action. Let’s join hands to build a sustainable future!



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The delegation visiting the Society of Engineers, UAE


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The delegation at Cocktail Reception @Dubai


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Chitchat with Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan (1st right) at HKETO Dubai Office with live streaming to HKIE members


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President Ir Dr Barry Lee (R) presenting souvenirs to ICE’s President Prof Anusha Shah (L) at the dinner reception


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Ir Dr Barry Lee with IET’s President Dr Gopi Katragadda (L)


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The delegation visiting COP28 in Dubai



第二屆海峽兩岸暨港澳城市建設與持續發展科技論壇 The Second Cross-Strait Hong Kong and Macao Urban Construction and Sustainable Development Science and Technology Forum

If you choose to listen to this article, you are welcome to download the PDF version of the Journal (January 2024 issue) and activate the "Read Out Loud" function in Adobe Reader. For more details, please read the user's note.


2023年12月14日,第二屆海峽兩岸暨港澳城市建設與持續發展科 技論壇,在北京、澳門兩地同步舉行。論壇以「交通與城市」為主 題,聚焦海峽兩岸暨港澳城市建設與交通協同發展過程中的科學技 術難題,探尋解決方案,提高交通戰略,匯聚智力,共謀發展。


中國土木工程學會軌道交通分會副理事長、全國工程勘察設計大 師、北京城建設計發展集團副總經理于松偉,中國土木工程學會軌 道交通分會副理事長兼秘書長、北京城建設計發展集團副總經理 夏秀江,分別在京、澳兩地聯合主持會議。


住房和城鄉建設部計劃財務與外事司副司長李喆,中國土木工程學 會副理事長尚春明,中國土木工程學會軌道交通分會理事長、北京 城建設計發展集團總經理王漢軍,清華大學公共安全研究院院長范 維澄院士,澳門特別行政區立法會議員、澳門工程師學會會長胡祖 杰,香港工程師學會會長李志康,台灣地工技術發展研究基金會董 事長王泰典出席並致辭。中央政府駐澳門聯絡辦公室經濟部政策處 處長劉暉、中國科協港澳台辦公室港澳台處處長王保輝出席論壇。


中國土木工程學會軌道交通分會理事長、北京城建設計發展集團總 經理王漢軍在致辭中表示,交通在城市中扮演著至關重要的角色, 是國家經濟發展的脈絡和文明的紐帶。此次論壇,海峽兩岸暨港澳 的專家學者圍繞交通與城市開展高端對話,極具創新性、前瞻性和 引領性,對於建設宜居城市、造福社會具有重要意義,期待論壇取 得豐碩成果。


香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師在致辭中也表示交通是現 代城市發展的重要基石,隨著經濟的蓬勃以及城市的可持續發展的 需要,建設智慧宜居城市需要擁有智能交通系統、高效能建築、智 慧能源網絡等基礎設施,利用可持續能源技術來減少能源消耗,實 現綠色建築,運用大數據、AI、物聯網等技術,構建數字應用體系, 讓城市管理更具效率,讓數字化改革成果惠及千家萬戶。希望這次 論壇能夠成為海峽兩岸暨港澳地區科技合作的平台,促進彼此之間 的交流與合作。讓我們攜手合作,並激勵年輕人的創新精神,共同 推動城市建設和持續發展的科技創新,為我們實踐建構兩岸四地為 一個世界級既宜居城市及創造更美好的未來。


科學論壇上,國家減災委專家委員、中國工程院院士范維澄和國際 地層凍結學術大會組委會委員、中國工程院院士陳湘生、澳門工程 師學會理事長賴健榮、中國建築工程(香港)有限公司土木工程部 總經理張子仲、台灣地工技術研究發展基金會執行長賴建名等專家 學者圍繞科技創新賦能城市安全、超大城市深層地下空間韌性關鍵 科學問題研究、智慧與數字化工程技術應用、面向城市可持續發展的建築設計及施工、數位雙生及AI技術於智慧捷運設計之運用等議 題作報告交流。


工程論壇上,兩岸四地專家學者圍繞城市交通大數據研究、從區域 性及多維度探索澳門未來的交通規劃發展、香港李銘翹工程師分享 建築資訊模擬行業發展的過去、現在與未來、城市軌道交通發展之 挑戰-以新北三線為例、基於雲平台的昆明地鐵4號線數字化運營等 主題交流研討。


青年圓桌論壇上,澳門工程師學會常務理事李華超與內地及港澳台 青年工程師們圍繞交通與城市主題展開對話,就北京、香港、澳門、 台北等地城市規劃、交通建設等熱點問題和新技術進行了交流,香 港青年工程師白濬榮特別帶出城市建設與持續發展的重要元素。


本次論壇,由中國土木工程學會與澳門工程師學會、香港工程師學 會、台灣的地工技術研究發展基金會聯合主辦,北京城建設計發展 集團、清華大學公共安全研究院及中國建築工程(香港)有限公司聯 合承辦,為海峽兩岸暨港澳城市建設領域的科技工作者搭建了深入 交流、共謀發展的平台。此次論壇有效促進了兩岸暨港澳科技界的 學術交流、智庫諮詢和青年交流,共享創新成果。海峽兩岸暨港澳 科技創新主體的深度互動,進一步促進海峽兩岸在科技界互通互融 方面取得顯著成效,也增強創新科技如何助力建設智慧宜居城市。


在論壇完結前,香港工程師學會代表梁文添工程師由澳門工程師學 會理事長賴健榮先生手上接過錦旗,代表第三屆會議論壇在2024年於香港舉行。



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論壇籌委會委員香港工程師學會代表(左至右): 陸偉霖工程師、吳柏鴻工程師、李志康博士、工程師、梁文添工程師及盧敬賢工程師


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閉幕式:香港工程師學會代表梁文添工程師(右)由澳門工程師學會理事長賴健榮先生(左)手上接過 錦旗

香港工程師學會分部主席 杭州及上海考察團

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香港工程師學會分部主席的杭州及上海考察團於2023年12月17日 至20日舉行,目的為推動香港工程業界深入瞭解華東地區的城市發 展及創新科技等領域的最新進展,促進香港及華東地區的工程師在 不同領域上專業知識及技術層面的交流合作。是次考察團吸引了多 個分部主席或副主席參與,聯同學會副會長陳帆教授、工程師及秘 書長薛永恒教授、工程師到杭州及上海的工程相關專業機構、學術 團體和上市集團等進行參訪。


考察團的行程相當緊湊,短短數日參訪了浙江樹人學院、杭州申昊 科技股份有限公司、杭州未來科技城、中控技術股份有限公司、浙江 吉利控股集團有限公司和中國商飛上海飛機製造有限公司,了解當 地機構在工程科技方面的應用和發展,增加對其生產業務的認識, 收穫豐碩。此外,考察團亦訪問了同濟大學及上海市科協,並與代 表人員展開會議深入交流,內容包括學會副會長陳帆教授、工程師 介紹考察團的來訪目的,及雙方代表為會議作引導發言,介紹其分 部或單位所涉及的工程技術領域和開展的主要工作,以及已有或希 望開展的兩地專業交流合作,就工程科研發展及兩地合作情況進行 討論與交換意見。其中於上海科學會堂與上海市科協韓志強書記面 談,並在其後的交流會議上邀請了上海市科協石謙副主席介紹上海 市科協與香港專業界的交流合作概況,加深彼此認識。


除交流活動外,考察團亦參觀了杭州及上海的著名景點,包括城隍 閣、明清河坊街、上海市歷史博物館和中華藝術宮,了解當地文化特 色,令是次行程更添色彩!


香港工程師學會分部主席的杭州及上海考察團促進了香港及華東地 區工程專業人員的互相交流,透過溝通及了解,雙方更能建立緊密友好關係,為日後滬港加強合作交流奠定基石。在此,學會衷心感 謝香港中聯辦、上海市科協及杭州科協對是次活動的支持和安排, 使考察團得以順利完成。


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New thematic website launch! Unveiling HKIE’s exciting journey in 2023/2024

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We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new webpage, which serves as a comprehensive hub for all things related to the theme and happenings for this Session. As we approach the mark of the mid of both Session 2023/2024 and our “Time to Change” Roadmap, it is the perfect time to share important strides we made as well as what we will continue to do for the next half.


The new webpage is designed to enhance your experience and ensure easy access to the latest updates you should know, and on the same page, of the Institution's growth and development. We invite you to join us on this transformative path.


Simply visit to get started.


We appreciate your continued support and engagement as an integral part of the HKIE community, and we are excited about the journey that lies ahead for us. Let’s make the most of the opportunities and continue to work towards the shared vision of the engineering profession.


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The launch of the new webpage (desktop version)


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Mobile version

The HKIE at E&M 75th Anniversary Fun Day

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The Institution participated in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)’s E&M 75th Anniversary Fun Day, open for public during 2 December to 3 December 2023 at the EMSD Headquarters. The HKIE booth featured interactive games which provided the public with an opportunity to appreciate and gain insights about the diverse facets of the engineering profession in Hong Kong. Visitors, especially the young generation, were inspired by prosperous career paths in engineering. Representing the Institution, President Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong was invited to attend the opening ceremony on 30 November 2023, joining EMSD to celebrate the anniversary theme of “Serving the Community with Heart and Innovation”.


The event featured an array of exciting activities, such as game booths, government vehicle exhibitions, STEAM workshops, guided tours and visits, highlighting engineering excellence in the field of E&M and promoting public awareness in electrical and mechanical safety, energy conservation, and the innovative technological applications behind our everyday lives.


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Dissemination seminar on ‘Science (S1-3) STEAM Learning Module’

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In keeping with the increased emphasis placed in the 2023 Policy Address on the teaching and promotion of STEAM in the classroom, the Education Bureau (EDB) has recently enriched science education at the junior secondary level, especially its “hands-on” aspect, with the newly launched “Science (S1-3) STEAM Learning Module”.


In the development of this Learning Module, the Institution is privileged to have played a collaborative role with EDB—specifically on the compilation of learning and teaching (L&T) materials for “Engineering Practices”, one of the Module’s three modular topics, along with “Innovation and Technology” and “Data Processing”.


On 9 December 2023, a dissemination seminar introducing school representatives to the Module’s content, instructional materials and training arrangements was hosted by EDB with the Institution’s support as well as that of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), who assisted EDB with the other two topics’ L&T materials. Junior secondary teachers, who will derive support from the materials just as their students will learn from them, attended the seminar in large numbers and showed a high degree of interest throughout.


The seminar, which took place in the Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium at HKBU’s Shaw Campus, commenced with the entrance into the Auditorium of Dr Choi Yuk-lin, JP (Secretary for Education), EDB’s Deputy Secretaries, Ir Prof Alexander Wai (HKBU’s President), and representatives from the schools and the two professional institutions, including our Vice President Ir Alice Chow.


In the speech that followed, Dr Choi reported that the materials for the modular topics had undergone trial runs at over 15 schools and the feedback from those schools had thus far been positive. It was widely agreed among teachers, added Dr Choi, that the innovative and down-toearth approach taken to the compilation of the materials has greatly aided students in grasping what would otherwise remain difficult subjects. Dr Choi applauded, in particular, the way the absorption of engineering knowledge was given a practical and problem-solving bent.


The assembly next directed their steps to another room for the “Innovation and Technology” Workshop, in which Dr Choi and the school representatives tried their hands at assembling and operating the apparatus, such as an electric vehicle’s regenerative brake, that will be used in the Learning Module.


The useful purpose served by the new Module in exposing students to STEAM at an early stage was underscored by our Vice President Ir Alice Chow in the media interview that concluded the seminar. She said: “Students should begin their engineering education no later than at junior secondary. Early exposure familiarises them with the different aspects of the engineering profession, cultivates their interest in the subject, and thereby prepares them more thoroughly for future career planning.”


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Launching Ceremony at the seminar


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Demonstrations at the “Innovation and Technology” Workshop


Public Lecture on The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2023

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The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/ Researchers is an esteemed international paper award that has been fostering talent and innovation in the engineering community for 18 years. This prestigious award aims to encourage young engineers and researchers aged 35 or below, to publish their work, advance their professional findings, and promote the engineering profession among the younger generation.


As a culmination of the Award, each year the first authors of the awarded papers deliver a public lecture to share their research accomplishments and celebrate their success with the audience.


This year, the Public Lecture was held on 13 December 2023. We are honoured to have three outstanding winners of the Award joining us to present their winning papers. The Public Lecture, conducted in a hybrid mode, was well received with over 120 attendees, including HKIE members, practitioners, and students, joining from Hong Kong, Australia, Finland, the UK and the US.


The Institution would like to extend its heartfelt appreciation to the three awardees including Dr Ke Zhu, Dr Quankun Li and Ms Ying Tung Lam. Their insightful presentations and sharing of research achievements made the Public Lecture both informative and rewarding for all participants.


For those who missed the lecture or wish to revisit the lectures, the awarded papers and the full lecture video are now available on the HKIE Transactions website. We encourage everyone to explore these valuable resources and review the remarkable contributions made by these young engineers and researchers.


List of awarded papers



*The first author who was aged 35 or below on the closing date of submission.


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Ir Prof Michael Kwok Hi Leung, Chairman of HKIE Transactions Committee (L) and awardee and speaker Dr Ke Zhu (R)


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Dr Ke Zhu (R) during his presentation


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Dr Quankun Li presenting his winning research topic


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Ms Ying Tung Lam’s presentation


The HKIE President’s Cup 2023: A celebration of teamwork and engineering unity

If you choose to listen to this article, you are welcome to download the PDF version of the Journal (January 2024 issue) and activate the "Read Out Loud" function in Adobe Reader. For more details, please read the user's note.


The crisp December air was filled with the spirit of camaraderie and competition as the artificial turf soccer pitch of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) played host to the HKIE President’s Cup 2023. Organised by the Task Force on Communal Sports and Social Service (TFCSSS), this 7-a-side football tournament, held on 2 December 2023, brought together ten Divisions and Committees from the Institution, along with an enthusiastic team from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Students’ Society (CEESS) of HKUST.


We were honoured to have President Ir Dr Barry Lee, Chairman of TFCSSS Ir Kelvin Tang and Chair Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of HKUST Ir Prof Irene Lo to kick off the tournament with an exhilarating opening speech followed by a joyful group photo.


The power of teamwork


As engineers, we often find ourselves immersed in complex projects that require meticulous planning, problem-solving, and collaboration. The football field is no different. Each match during the tournament was a display of strategic thinking, precise execution, and unwavering teamwork. The teams, composed of engineers from various disciplines, worked in unison to outmaneuver their opponents, mirroring the collaborative environment of our profession. It was amazing to see Chairpersons from individual Divisions and Committees supporting their teams physically in the game and on the sideline!


Bonding through sports


The tournament was not only a competition but also a platform for engineers to bond over a shared passion for sports. It provided an opportunity for members of the Institution to step away from their blueprints and calculations and engage in a different kind of challenge. The event fostered a sense of community, as players and spectators alike cheered for their teams, celebrated victories, and consoled each other in defeat.


Highlights and achievements


The HKIE President’s Cup 2023 saw remarkable talent and sportsmanship. Teams showcased their athletic abilities, with swift passes, strategic plays, and impressive goals. The ST Division emerged as the Champion, displaying a remarkable understanding of precision and strength, much like the structures they design. The EV Division followed closely as the First Runner-up, demonstrating their adaptability and resourcefulness, while the BD Division claimed the title of Second Runner-up, highlighting their robust planning and execution skills.


As the day drew to a close, the tournament stood as a testament to the importance of teamwork, both on and off the field. It highlighted the parallels between engineering and sports – the need for cooperation, the joy of shared success, and the lessons learned from each setback. The HKIE President’s Cup 2023 was more than just a football tournament and the TFCSSS is proud to declare that it was a celebration of unity and spirit of the engineering community in Hong Kong!


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Participants from various HKIE Divisions and Committees


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(L to R): Ir Kelvin Tang (Chairman of the TFCSSS), Ir Dr Barry Lee (President), Ir Prof Irene Lo (Chair Professor of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, HKUST) and Ir Dr Anthony To (Deputy Chairman of the TFCSSS)


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Champion: ST Division (Middle); First Runner-up: EV Division (Left); Second Runner-up: BD Division (Right)


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