WK Lo's LegCo Express

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Moved an amendment to the motion “Combating cyber fraud crimes on all fronts”


On 29 Nov, I moved an amendment to the motion “Combating cyber fraud crimes on all fronts” at the LegCo meeting. I urged the Government to strengthen the protection of personal information and make good use of the Do-Not-Call Registers to prevent lawbreakers from using personal information to commit cyber fraud; and join forces with district organizations to enhance public awareness against cyber fraud and their ability to respond to cyber fraud. At the same time, as the computer systems of some organizations in Hong Kong have been hacked one after another recently, resulting in the leakage of quite a lot of sensitive personal data, thus giving lawbreakers opportunities to use such personal data to commit cyber fraud, the SAR Government should comprehensively examine the cybersecurity risks in Hong Kong, step up the protection measures for cyber systems and formulate a rapid response plan in advance. My amendment and the original motion were passed at the meeting with members’ support.


Raised a written question on the demand for environmental professionals


On 22 Nov, I raised a written question regarding the demand for environmental professionals at the LegCo meeting. I asked the government about its strategy for meeting the goals of the Climate Action Plan 2050 and if they have assessed and projected the demand for environmental professionals; whether they will collaborate with the industry to improve the professional qualifications framework and elevate the status of the relevant professional societies and whether the authorities will consider improving and regularising the subsidy programmes to attract the new generation to join the environment profession. To view my questions and replies from the Government, please use the following link: https://www.info.gov.hk/ gia/general/202311/22/P2023112200300. htm?fontSize=3


Released a research report on “Promoting Large-scale Old District Redevelopment”


On 23 Nov, together with some other LegCo members, I released a research report on “Promoting Large-scale Old District Redevelopment”. The report emphasizes 11 recommendations including establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), initiating the reconstruction of 750 old buildings every five years, providing over 11,000 residential units, and establishing a dedicated fund to address funding issues. I urged the government to seize the opportunity of large-scale old building redevelopment and to accelerate the resolution of the foremost livelihood issue of housing.


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LegCo panel discussed Scheme of Control Agreements with the two power companies


On 28 Nov, the item of Scheme of Control Agreements (SCAs) with the two power companies was discussed at the LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs. The government has negotiated with the power companies to modify the current SCAs in various areas, including a special tariff relief mechanism during energy crisis; a new penalty scheme for large-scale electricity supply interruptions; 2024 Net Tariff will be reduced on average by 7.4% and 16.0% for CLP and HKE respectively. I call on the government and two power companies to promote clean energy, both sharing energy risks and contributing to carbon neutrality. Regarding the voices to call for reduction of permitted returns for the two power companies, I find it hard to agree. The purpose of the agreement is to establish a conducive environment for long-term and substantial power supply investments. Moreover, hasty amendments would contradict Hong Kong’s longstanding contractual credibility.


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LegCo Panel on Economic Development visits Kwai Tsing Container Terminals


Panel on Economic Development visited the Kwai Tsing Container Terminals on 7 Nov to further understand the latest developments of the terminals’ digital operations and the logistics industry. Members visited the container yard and the operation centre for remote-control cranes operation. Members learnt that the operators perform vanning, devanning and stacking of containers remotely through the computer system. During the visit, Members exchanged views with the representatives of the terminals and further promoting the Smart Port development.


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