Starting from Financial Year 2024-2025, Corporate Members (Fellows, Members) and Associate Members can access their e-membership card in the Member Login Area under “Services” > “My Membership Card” five working days after the settlement of membership subscription for that financial year.
In addition to the issue of e-membership card, Corporate and Associate Members in need will be offered a choice of receiving a physical membership card for use upon entering construction sites. The statement “This member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers has satisfied the Commissioner for Labour in respect of Section 6BA(4), Cap. 59” will be included in the physical membership card only.
(From 1 September 2023 to 5 December 2023)
Organisation | Board/Committee | Representative(s)/Nominee(s) |
The HKSAR Government | ||
Buildings Department |
Authorised Persons', Registered Structural Engineers' and Registered Geotechnical Engineers' Disciplinary Board Panel under the Buildings Ordinance
The invitation for nominations from the Buildings Department was addressed to the ERB and assistance was given by the Institution in providing nomination. The following nominations were submitted to the ERB for consideration.
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for Dead and Imposed Loads |
Ir CHIN Sai Ping, Ir Jacky WONG Woon Ki | |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings | Ir Stanley CHAN Bong Kwok, Ir Dennis YUEN Yat Chung | |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for Foundations | Members of the Structural Discipline Ir LAU Chi Kin, Ir Kevin TANG Members of the Geotechnical Discipline Ir Alvin LAM Kam Ming, Ir Terence YAU Lap Yan |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for Precast Concrete Construction |
Ir Ben LEUNG Chi Hung, Ir Joseph LI Wai Yip |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for Site Supervision |
Ir Chris LEE Tsz Leung |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete |
Ir Stanley CHAN Bong Kwok, Ir Kylie LAM Nga Yan |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel |
Ir Prof Adam CHOY Siu Chung, Ir Kylie LAM Nga Yan |
Technical Committee on the Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong |
Ir Kevin TANG, Ir Ben TSE Wai Keung |
Technical Committee on the Minor Works Control System |
Ir Prof Joseph CHI Wuh Jian |
Construction Industry Council | CIC BIM Competition 2024 Organising Committee | Ir Angela CHAO Sih Chu |
Construction Workers Review Board | Ir Dixon KWOK Kai Yuen | |
Development Bureau | Construction Industry Council | Ir Aaron BOK Kwok Ming, Ir Simon LIU Sing Pang |
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department | Electrical Safety Advisory Committee | Ir Dr CHAN Fuk Cheung |
Environmental Protection Department | Asbestos Administration Committee | Ir Prof Louis F S LOCK |
Highways Department | Advisory Committee on the Appearance of Bridges and Associated Structures | Ir Gene CHEUNG Tsz Chung, Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai Ho, Ir Stephen MAK Tak Ming, Ir Bobby NG Mang Tung |
Higher Education Institution | ||
The University of Hong Kong | Mechanical Engineering Industrial Advisory Committee | Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong |
Vocational Training Council | Electrical & Mechanical Industry Recognition of Prior Learning Working Committee | Ir Steven CHAN Nai Kin |
(From 19 September to 19 December 2023)
Organisation | Submission | |
The HKSAR Government | ||
Environmental Protection Department | Public Consultation on Air Quality Objectives Review 2030 |
Date and Venue
The 46th Annual Dinner will be held at the Convention Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Harbour Road, Wanchai on Friday, 15 March 2024.
Registration and Enquiries
Please visit the HKIE website at for further details. For enquiries, please contact the HKIE Conference and Function Section at Tel: 2895 4446 or by Email:
In Memoriam
KWONG Hon Cheung
The Institution notes with sadness the passing away of Ir KWONG Hon Cheung. Our deepest sympathy goes to their family and friends.
*Note from the Secretariat: If members come across to know any of our members who has passed away, please notify us.
The online CPD logbook service is now in operation to provide solely for members of the HKIE to record their personal CPD activities. Members are invited to enter the Member Login area of our website to access to this online free-of-charge CPD logbook for keeping a systemic record of their CPD participation.
For trainees who are under the formal training schemes of the HKIE, they will remain to be required to record their CPD activities in the Record of CPD with endorsement by their Engineering Supervisors.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Member Login Service Support at
Commencing 1 January 2019, competence-based approach to CPD activities will be fully implemented as part of CPD requirements for Corporate Members. Corporate Members are required to undertake, out of the 30 hours per year, at least 5 hours each for two areas of CPD activities, namely “Discipline-Specific Technical Matters” (DSTM) and “Broader Areas of Studies” (BAS) or “General Professional Matters” (GPM). In 2021, the HKIE further updated the CPD requirements for its members. Corporate Members are required to attend at least 3 hours per year of CPD activities related to “Health and Safety” (H&S) effective for CPD declaration from 2022 onwards.
Corporate Members are required to complete and return an annual CPD Declaration Form together with the membership subscription advice to the Institution. A random checking, usually 1% sampling, on all Corporate Members, will be conducted on an annual basis. Members who are selected for checking will be asked to submit their evidences of CPD.
The following actions shall be taken in case of non-compliance:
- Corporate Members will receive a warning letter if they fail to comply with the CPD requirement for the first year that they were selected for sampling, and will be asked to submit their CPD attainment again for the following year; Warning letters will be issued to Corporate Members who fail to comply in two consecutive years. The HKIE Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPDC) will also follow up with those Corporate Members on the reasons of non-compliance;
- Corporate Members who fail to comply with the CPD requirement again in the second year may be asked to submit their CPD attainment for the following year and be invited to an interview with CPD Committee Representative(s) or to attend specific HKIE CPD activities proposed by the CPDCSP; and
- Corporate Members who fail to attend interview or the specific HKIE CPD activities in the third year may have their names published in the HKIE website and the HKIE journal; the frequency of which shall be determined by the CPDC.
For details, please refer to the “Guidance Notes for Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Corporate Members” which is available on the HKIE website at
Corporate Membership has satisfied the Commissioner for Labour in respect of section 6BA(4), Cap 59 since 1998 on the understanding that Corporate Members have undertaken a minimum units in the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes, which include updates on occupational health and safety legislation. On the basis that Corporate Members will continuously update their knowledge in occupational safety and health through CPD, Corporate Members of the HKIE do not need to take mandatory basic safety training before entering construction sites.
Please note that the HKIE is required to provide such CPD records concerning the recognition of the Corporate Members’ training for the purpose of section 6BA, Cap 59 upon the request of the Labour Department.
Members may refer to the online references of safety training for information:
- Occupational Safety & Health Council (
- Construction Industry Council (
- HKIE Safety Specialist Committee (
The Engineering Council (UK) implemented “SARTOR3” system from 1999. Accredited MEng degrees or accredited BEng degrees plus matching sections are required to satisfy the academic requirements for Chartered Engineers in the United Kingdom. The HKIE is a signatory to the Washington Accord and the HKIE recognizes the accredited MEng or accredited BEng degrees plus matching sections of the Engineering Council (UK) from first intake year 1999 as satisfying the academic requirements for Member of the HKIE.
With effect from 1 March 2004, the “SARTOR3” system has been replaced by the “UK-SPEC”. The Engineering Council (UK) has revised UK-SPEC and has implemented it from 31 December 2021. The academic requirements for Chartered Engineers (CEng) Registration are:
- An accredited Bachelors degree with honours in engineering or technology, plus either an appropriate Masters degree or engineering doctorate accredited by a Licensee*, or appropriate further learning to Masters leve
- An accredited integrated MEng degree
- An accredited Bachelors degree with honours in engineering or technology started before September 1999
- Equivalent qualifications or apprenticeships accredited or approved by a Licensee*, or at an equivalent level in a relevant national or international qualifications framework
* Licensee is the engineering institutions that have been licensed by the Engineering Council (UK) to assess individuals for professional registration.
The HKIE shall accept graduates from the UK as satisfying the academic requirements for Member of the Institution if they could provide document proof from the Engineering Council (UK) that they have satisfied the academic requirements (i) to (iii) above for Chartered Engineers (CEng) Registration.
Corporate Members and Associate Members who have been removed from the membership roll (due to resignation or striking off by Council resolution) for more than seven years will be required to submit fresh applications should they wish to re-join the Institution. All other grades of members who have been removed from the membership roll (due to resignation or striking off by Council resolution) for more than three years will be required to submit fresh applications should they wish to re-join the Institution. Subject to the above, the current payment scale for reinstatement of membership other than for non-resident members, is a reinstatement fee of HK$410 (for administration purpose), plus all arrears in subscription. The arrears in subscription shall be subject to a maximum of three years’ subscriptions prior to the application for reinstatement of membership.
Non-resident members who apply for the reinstatement of membership as non-resident members shall only be required to pay a reinstatement fee of HK$410; all arrears in subscription shall be waived. All other requirements for reinstatement of membership shall remain unchanged.
HKIE Transactions is an international journal that provides a forum for discussing all aspects of engineering from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Full-length papers, technical notes and discussions on any topic of engineering are always welcome. If your expertise is in any aspects of engineering including but not limited to the following areas, we look forward to receiving your paper!
- Aeronautical, aerospace and aviation engineering
- Building science and services engineering
- Chemical, biological and biomedical engineering
- Civil and structural engineering
- Computer science
- Electrical and electronic engineering
- Energy and environmental engineering
- Engineering management
- Industrial and manufacturing systems engineering
- Information engineering
- Materials science and engineering
- Mechanical and automation engineering
Good quality practical papers are as welcome as those of an academic nature.
Submit your manuscript via ScholarOne Manuscripts System (S1M)
Online submission of manuscripts:
Before submission, authors are invited to read the submission guidelines at: for the Instructions for Authors and Referencing Style.
The journal is now paper-free and subscription-free. Published papers are now at for all you can read!
Theme Issue (June 2024) on Deep Learning for IoT Big Data and Streaming Analytics
Call for papers
The HKIE Transactions Committee is honoured to announce that Prof Shahid MUMTAZ, Professor of Digital Innovation in Nottingham Trent University, and Dr Zhigao ZHENG, Associate Professor at Wuhan University have accepted our invitation to be the Guest Editors for the Theme Issue in the HKIE Transactions on the topic “Deep Learning for IoT Big Data and Streaming Analytics”. This Theme Issue will be published in the HKIE Transactions in June 2024. You are invited to submit manuscripts to this Theme Issue. Detailed information is as follows:
In recent years, many researchers have proposed approaches and frameworks for fast-streaming data analytics that leverage the capabilities of cloud infrastructures and services. However, how to process the fast-streaming data for some emerging applications in smaller scale platforms (i.e., at the system edge) or even on IoT devices is a great challenge. This Theme Issue aims to present a collection of high-quality research papers on the state of the art in emerging technologies for the applications of recent trends in Deep Learning (DL) technologies for the IoT domain. We are soliciting original contributions that have not been published in and are not currently under consideration by any other journals. Both theoretical studies and state-of-the-art practical applications are welcome for submission. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of both their quality and their relevance to the theme of this issue.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following scopes:
- Blockchain for data security and privacy
- Cloud-Assisted Data Fusion and sensor selection for Internet of Things
- Computational and Artificial Intelligence algorithms
- Data Driven Decision Making Systems in IoT applications
- Deep Learning (DL) technologies for IoT domain applications
- Deep Learning Models for Time Series Data and IoT
- DL for smart IoT devices
- Emerging DL techniques for IoT data analytics
- Emerging hardware architectures for IoT and Big DataBuilding energy efficiency
- Fault tolerant, redundant systems
- Fog and Cloud Computing for (near) real-time analytics
- Hybrid Intelligent Models for IoT Context-Aware Systems
- IoT analytics for improving the dependability of IoT systems
- IoT and Big Data Analytics on Energy-Constrained platforms
- IoT big data analytics and IoT streaming data analytics
- Machine learning for IoT data processing
- Multimodal data analysis and information fusion in IoT
- Multi-Task IoT System Modelling and analysis
- Optimisation, control, and automation
- Prediction of situational awareness with IoT data
- Secure and privacy preserving steam analytics
- Smart cities and systems
- Streaming data learning algorithms for IoT
- Swarm Intelligence and Big Data for IoT
- Visualisation techniques
Submission Guidelines
The deadline for final manuscript submission is extended to Thursday, 29 February 2024. All manuscripts should be submitted through the HKIE Transactions ScholarOne Manuscripts site at New users should first create a login account. Once logged on to the site, submissions should be made via the Author Centre. For more details regarding the author guidelines, please refer to the Instructions for Authors and Referencing Style.
More details
To know more about this Special Topic, please visit:
If you have any enquiries regarding this Special Issue, please feel free to contact the HKIE Corporate Communications Section at +852 2895 4446 or via email at
Thank you in advance for your support to HKIE Transactions and we look forward to receiving your submissions soon.
- The HKIE Transactions reserves the right to withhold any or all of the manuscripts at their absolute discretion.
- The HKIE Transactions’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
“Proud to be Engineers” lapel pin
This golden, square-shaped lapel pin (equipped with a butterfly clutch) features the Simplified Dragon Coat of Arms at its centre and the words “Proud to be Engineers” — the Presidential Theme of Session 2022/2023 — on the sides. This simple but elegant design matches well with a suit and gives the pin’s wearers a sleek appearance that makes them proudly and instantly recognisable as engineers. The pin is available for sale at HK$100 each.
The HKIE Diary 2024
Designed to be handy and fit neatly into your pocket, the HKIE Diary 2024 featuring information about the Institution, useful telephone numbers, notable dates and railway maps to ensure you keep on top of your meetings and schedules. Diaries are available for sale at HK$40 each. Place your order now while stocks last.
HKIE lady scarf
If you are looking for a souvenir with a sense of elegance and style, the gold HKIE lady scarf is your must-have item in your closet. The HKIE lady scarf printed with simplified HKIE Dragon Coat of Arms pattern monogram is 100% made of silk, making it both fashionable and comfortable. The HKIE lady scarf is now available at HK$290 each.
HKIE ties
With an eye-catching and stylish design, the HKIE Ties are among the most popular souvenirs for our members. Three ties are now available and may be an essential piece to add to your wardrobe. Embroidered with the simplified HKIE Dragon Coat of Arms, either in a single or monogram pattern, the ties are timeless accessories for fellow engineers and suitable for every occasion. The three ties are now available at HK$100 each.
For details of our whole range of souvenirs, please visit:
For enquiries and ordering, please contact our reception dest at 2895 4446.