Lifting operations, though essential for all construction projects, come with significant risks if not properly conducted. These include serious injuries, equipment damage, and project delays. Registered Professional Engineers (RPE) Test Certificate should be checked before such operations because of its criticality as a document ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of lifting equipment. Every process shall follow the Guidance Notes (GN) issued by the Labour Department thoroughly.
Here are some critical points on RPE Test Certificate:
(i) Incomplete data on test load
According to GN, a test of applying proof load at both the jib’s maximum and minimum radius shall be conducted when a crane has a jib with a variable vertical operation radius. When the data on either maximum or minimum radius are incomplete, the lifting equipment shall be considered disqualified.
(ii) Consistency between site setup and information on RPE Test Certificate
The actual crane setup at the construction site must align with the information on the RPE Test Certificate. The numbers of main and auxiliary hoisting wire must follow the requirement marked in the Certificate strictly. Stop work shall be issued immediately if any deviation is spotted before the lifting operations starts.
(iii) Complete information in the RPE Test Certificate
An RPE Test Certificate should be a comprehensive and unambiguous document, detailing all relevant information about the lifting equipment. By a complete set of information, all necessary information (not only part of the major crtical element) for the lifting equipment are meant. The Certificate shall serve as a reliable reference for all stakeholders, facilitating the lifitng equipment’s safe and effective use.
(iv) Consistency between crane computer load monitoring system and RPE Test Certificate
There are cases where the RPE Test Certificate is not aligned with the crane computer data. Such verifications and checking shall always be made to set up a correct and safe lifting plan.
In conclusion, the RPE Test Certificate is as much a formal testament to the equipment as a critical tool for regulatory compliance, operational reliability, and risk management.
This article is contributed by Ir Victor W F Tse with the coordination of the Safety Specialist Committee.