WK Lo's LegCo Express

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Passage of Safeguarding National Security Bill


The Safeguarding National Security Bill (the Bill) was passed by the LegCo on 19 Mar, fulfilling the constitutional duty of the HKSAR in fully implementing the Article 23 of the Basic Law. The passed Bill achieves convergence, compatibility and complementarity with the Hong Kong National Security Law, improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms of the HKSAR in safeguarding national security, forming a complete and effective legal regime for safeguarding national security, and plugging the national security loopholes. I joined the Bills Committee and spent around 50 hours reviewing the Bill to finish the clause-by-clause consideration procedure. The scrutiny process, which proceeded intending to complete the legislative work as soon as possible, was of high quality and high efficiency.


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Proposed Members’ Bill to establish the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals as a Statutory Body


On 25 March, I introduced the proposed Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Bill (the Bill) to the Panel on Environmental Affairs and to solicit Members’ views. The purpose of the Bill is to grant the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals (“HKIQEP”) the status of a legally recognized organization. By incorporating through legislation, the HKIQEP will become a distinct legal entity with ongoing existence and could only be dissolved by another law enacted by the Legislative Council. This measure is intended to safeguard the HKIQEP’s long-term existence and independence. The measure was supported by the Panel members. Subject to the obtaining of the President’s opinion and the Chief Executive’s consent, we aim to introduce the Bill to the present Legislative Council in the second quarter of 2024.


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Tackling the issues of Subdivided Units


Together with some other LegCo members, I met with the Deputy Financial Secretary, the Secretary for Housing and other government officials to discuss the issues of subdivided units on 20 March. We put forward some suggestions to the Government including: regulating subdivided units requires clear objectives and setting minimum standards; safety, hygiene, and living space are important considerations in setting standards; regulation and resettlement must be balanced, making good use of transitional public housing and other resources; efforts should be made to facilitate the transition of subdivided unit residents; accelerating the construction of public housing; addressing the imbalance between supply and demand, leveraging the advantages of Light Public Housing for faster deployment and reuse to maximize resource utilization while expediting housing supply.


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Funding projects approved at the FC and PWSC meetings


At the PWSC meeting on 20 March, members approved a total allocation of HK$3.2 billion for constructing a joint-user complex with a market in Area 67, Tseung Kwan O. At the same meeting, two funding projects of HK$514.0 million and HK$119.2 million were approved to carry out site formation and infrastructure works to support the proposed public housing development at Lau Fau Shan and Tsuen Wan. These projects, along with the others, would be submitted to the FC for final funding approval.


At the FC meeting on 15 Mar, members approved a total allocation of HK$41,284.3 million for 2024-25 for the block allocations under the Capital Works Reserve Fund. At the FC meeting on 22 Mar, members approved another funding project to recommend an increase of HK$130.7 million from HK$2,453.0 million to HK$2,583.7 million for constructing Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 2.


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