由中國市政工程協會、香港工程師學會、澳門工程師學會聯合主辦 的「首屆粵港澳大灣區市政工程技術交流會」於2024年12月4日在 廣州順利召開。中國市政工程協會會長盧英方、學會會長馬紹祥工 程師、秘書長薛永恒教授、工程師、國際事務委員會主席陸偉霖工 程師、澳門工程師學會理事長賴健榮、中國市政工程協會副會長、 廣東省市政行業協會會長單位、廣州市政集團黨委書記、董事長郭 雲飛等多位領導親臨參加。
是次會議主題為「智建橋樑‧暢享都市」。逾60位來自內地、香港和 澳門工程界人員聚首一堂,就城市橋樑建設進行技術交流,其中20 人是學會會員。會議內容豐富,首先由各領導,包括學會會長馬紹祥 工程師致歡迎辭及開幕,隨後由三地專家進行主旨發言。學會由羅 顯榮工程師及王焰華工程師分別就「香港首次使用橋樑平衡轉體技 術」及「將軍澳跨灣大橋的綠色智建」發表演講。下午,與會者就合 作交流和技術層面進行了互動討論,其中一個環節由學會陸偉霖工 程師擔任主持並引導發言。會後,與會者到工地參觀了海珠灣隧道 工程,以及廣州南站快速通道南段工程A 匝道A5 裝配式橋樑的施 工情況
此次會議成果豐碩,受到與會者的廣泛好評。我們期待下一屆在香 港舉行的會議,繼續促進粵港澳大灣區的工程技術交流與合作。
(左至右) 中國市政工程協會會長盧英方、學會會長馬紹祥工程師、廣州市政集團黨委書記、 董事長郭雲飛
學會代表羅顯榮工程師就「香港首次使用橋樑平衡轉體技術」 發表演講
On 11 December 2024, the Institution had the privilege of hosting the Public Lecture on the HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2024. The Lecture drew around 100 attendees, including HKIE members and industry practitioners, who joined both in person at the HKIE Headquarters and remotely via Zoom.
For over 19 years, the HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers has been dedicated to recognising and celebrating the achievements of talented young engineers and researchers aged 35 years or below. This award encourages engineers to publish their research findings, promoting innovation and facilitating professional knowledge exchanges.
During this year’s Lecture, the first authors of three awarded papers, Ir Mui Chi Kin, Mr Chan Tsz Ho and Ms Chan Pui Ching Jolly, presented their research accomplishments and engaged in fruitful discussions with the audience. Their presentations included the following topics:
- “Application of ‘Single Site, Multiple Use’ in sewerage project – a breakthrough trial in Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station” By Ir Mui Chi Kin
- “Machine learning model for dissolved gas analysis: methodological review with a case in Hong Kong” By Mr Chan Tsz Ho
- “Environmental awareness in machines: a case study of automated debris removal using Generative Artificial Intelligence and Vision Language Models” By Ms Chan Pui Ching Jolly
The Institution extends its sincere appreciation to the awardees for their insightful presentations, as well as to all participants, who made the Public Lecture both informative and enriching for everyone involved.
The awarded papers and the full lecture video are now available on the HKIE Transactions website. All interested individuals are invited to explore the exceptional contributions of these young engineers and researchers.
Ir Prof Michael Kwok Hi Leung (2nd right), Chairman of HKIE Transactions Committee, and three awardees and speakers: Mr Chan Tsz Ho (1st left), Ms Chan Pui Ching Jolly (2nd left), Ir Mui Chi Kin (1st right)
Ir Mui Chi Kin presenting his awarded paper
Mr Chan Tsz Ho during his presentation
Ms Chan Pui Ching Jolly during her presentation