Joint Symposium 2024 - Innovating and Revitalising Productivity in Building Services with 3S Solutions towards Carbon Neutrality
By Ir Marsden KONG

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The captioned symposium was jointly organised by the BS Division, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Hong Kong Region, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Hong Kong Chapter and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 19 November 2024. Over 200 participants attended.


This year, the symposium focused on engineering ideas, technologies, and initiatives for achieving carbon neutrality. It commenced with a welcoming address by Ir Marsden Kong, Chairman of the Organising Committee, who expressed the honour felt by the Committee to have Ir Winnie Ho, JP, Secretary of Housing and Mr Vince Arnold, President Elect of CIBSE, UK to deliver the Opening Address and Keynote Speech respectively.


Eleven technical papers highlighting the latest updates and practices in the industry were presented by speakers from various sectors and organisations .


The morning session focused on code and design strategies for building services systems to achieve carbon neutrality. New technology applications such as big data analysis in the data centre to enhance energy efficiency were presented in this session, and participants were able to increase their knowledge of how these technologies could be adopted to reduce overall carbon emissions.


Following the insightful discussion in the morning, the luncheon was conducted with a keynote speech delivered by Ms Ruth Carter, Chief Executive Officer of CIBSE, UK.


After that, the afternoon session continued with aspects of operation and sustainability to create a path to carbon neutrality. Innovative research in operations, such as the live predictions of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and the operation strategies of the district cooling system to achieve greater efficiency, were presented.


The insightful topics prompted an active exchange of ideas among the participants in the discussion sessions. The symposium concluded with a closing address by Mr Taylor Chow, President of the ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter.


On behalf of the Organising Committee, we would like to express our appreciation to all the speakers, sponsors and participants for their support for and participation in this symposium, making it such a successful and fruitful event.



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